His speech: The Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, used words of affirmation to express his love for his wives. Aisha, RA, would ask the Prophet, pbuh, "How is your love for me?" and he, pbuh, would respond "Like the rope's knot." (strong and secure) Reported in Hiya al Awliya.
His gifts: The Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, sent a share of the sheep when it had been slaughtered to the friends of Khadija, RA, long after she had passed...Abu Hurayra, RA, reported the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, said, "Give gifts and you will love one another."
His actions: The Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, would spend time at home with his wife's and family when he was not out giving dawah or serving in the community. He, pbuh, would participate in the chores of the household.
His touch: There are many narrations of the way the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, expressed his love for his wife through physical touch... He, pbuh would lay his head on the lap of Aisha, RA, reciting Qur'an whilst she was on her menses. He, pbuh, was kind and compassionate to his wife's in public, once comforting Safiyyah Bint Huyyiy, RA, wiping away her tears and not becoming angry, impatient nor embarrassed the more she cried.
His time: The Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, gave quality time to his wife's, joking and racing with Aisha, RA.
After his death, pbuh, Aisha, RA, is said to have missed his physical touch. He would entangle his fingers in hers, touch her hand, and just be a physical presence in her life, despite the obvious demands from the community. Subhan Allah